The 2024 state of workplace health


Did you know that adults spend most of their waking hours working? This explains why a job can have such a significant impact on your health. In our 2024 State of the Workplace Health Report, we found that employees want more support from their employers to make lasting health improvements. This year’s report focused on the current state of workplace health and understanding HR leaders’ and employees’ priorities for the year.

We partnered with an independent research firm, Workplace Intelligence, to survey 800 HR and employee benefits leaders and 800 full-time employees.

The results? A staggering 3 out of 4 employees reported that their health worsened or stayed the same last year — for the third year in a row. It's clear: progress in workforce well-being is stuck in a rut.

Why is this? It could be the high prevalence of chronic conditions — a disease or condition that lasts 3 months or longer. Over half of employees surveyed struggle with at least one chronic condition. And it's not just older workers; more than 4 out of 10 Gen Z and Millennial respondents are also grappling with these issues. The impact on productivity is significant — 28% of the entire workforce faces productivity challenges due to health issues.

A majority of employees shared they’d prefer to manage their chronic conditions with lifestyle changes, rather than medication alone. And more support from their employers would help — 2 out of 3 workers wish for better healthcare benefits and options to manage their health.

For companies looking to help employees be healthier, listening to these needs could be the key. Supporting employees in their journey for better health not only shows that you value their preferences but can also help reduce medication costs for everyone involved.

HR leaders believe employee health is better than it actually is

Employee health has either worsened or remained the same since last year despite 58% of HR leaders saying they believe their employees’ health improved. This year’s report indicates a concerning continuation of the trend toward declining health.

Chronic conditions cut down productivity

More than half of employees reported a diagnosis of at least one chronic condition. They also reported having that condition for at least 3 years. Employees and HR leaders agree that chronic conditions cause productivity loss — with most HR leaders reporting that these workers lose at least 6 hours a week of productivity.

Benefits use in 2023 — there’s room for improvement

The good news? More employees used their healthcare benefits than in 2022, and more reported having a primary care provider (PCP), but we can do better. Over half of workers still did not use their healthcare benefits in 2023.

How can employers support employees with chronic conditions?

Invest in solutions that can improve employee health
HR leaders are increasing their budgets in 2024 to include solutions for telemedicine, primary care, chronic disease management, mental & behavioral health, and care navigation. They’re also making it easier for employees to use their well-deserved healthcare benefits.

Improve awareness and communication around your company’s healthcare benefits
Employees reported receiving very little to no communication about health advice, seeking treatments, or even basic information about their healthcare benefits. So it’s no surprise that fewer than half of workers actually used their benefits.

While there has been progress in benefits use, companies still have plenty of opportunity to better support employee health. Dive into the 2024 State of The Workplace Health Report. We are here to help with any questions as you focus on your team’s long-term health.