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Primary Care Doctor's Office in Brooklyn, NY City Point Brooklyn

Same/next-day appointments available

Book online, no membership needed. Appointments are billed to you or your insurance; copays or deductibles may apply.

445 Gold St

Ste M110

Brooklyn , NY 11201

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Office Hours:

Mon–Fri: 8AM–9PM
Sat–Sun: 8AM–7PM
RN Drop-in Hours: Mon.-Fri. (9am-12pm + 1-4pm) All Ages

Lab Hours:

8AM–12PM, 1PM–4PM every day
RN Drop-in Hours: Mon.-Fri. (9am-12pm + 1-4pm) All Ages


Public Transportation

  • B38 to De Kalb/Bond St.
  • B25, B26, B38 & B52 to Fulton St./Bond St.
Nearby Subway Stations
  • B, Q, R to Dekalb St.


There is limited street parking available.

Additional Information

Our City Point office is located at 445 Gold Street (also called Albee Square W) between Fulton St and Willoughby St. The office is on the top floor, across the street from the park. Bikes are not allowed inside the building, but there is parking outside the office.

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