Albert Ahoy, PA-C
Walnut Creek
Physician Assistant, an advanced practice degree for primary care providers who undergo extensive practical training and board certification, and are licensed to practice medicine including the full range of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Nobody anticipates getting into an accident, falling ill, or feeling emotionally/mentally incapacitated for whatever reason. That's where my experience in Emergency/Urgent Care medicine shines. I am a big advocate for patient-centered care - my approach involves spending time speaking with you about your medical concern(s), providing a working diagnosis, and mutual decision-making (where I offer recommendations on how we may address your medical needs, but ultimately you are empowered to take ownership of your own health).
How I stay healthy and happy
I thoroughly enjoy hooping with friends, attending musical/sporting events (go 49ers!), and globetrotting around with the SO. I recently picked up golf and am hooked.
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Board certification
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA)
Other languages spoken
Conversational Spanish
Goes by
He, him, his